Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday: June's Best


Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ from YA Highway where each week there is a writing- or reading-related question for us to answer. Check out YA Highway to follow along with everyone who participates. :-)
This Week's Topic:
What's the best book you've read this month?

 My Answer:

I have two answers, because, honestly, the best book I've read this month was a sequel written by one of my critique partners. It was phenomenal!

But since I'm assuming that people are going to want to hear about books that are currently out on the market, the best book I've read this month is: 

The Eternal Sea by Angie Frazier

How about you? What is the best book you've read this month?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday: Burning Love


Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ from YA Highway where each week there is a writing- or reading-related question for us to answer. Check out YA Highway to follow along with everyone who participates. :-)
This Week's Topic:
The house is on fire and you've only got time to grab five things. What are they?

 My Answer:

  1. My children (that counts as one, right?);
  2. My husband;
  3. My dogs;
  4. My wedding album; and
  5. My laptop - I swear to God, no one will want to live with me if I lose my MS. For real.

How about you? What would you grab?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sharing is Caring?

Since I started my current WIP a little over a year ago, I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually brainstormed with my husband or someone else in my family about the book. For whatever reason, I've sort of clammed up when it came to sharing what I'm writing with people I actually *know* in person. I have my critique partners that I've never actually met. I have a few beta readers, only one of which I've met. I just couldn't bring myself to tell people near me in real life what I was writing.

I think it's partly due to the fact that I was afraid of failure. If I told all of my local friends what I was writing, and then I failed, well, that would be so embarrassing. Then, there was the fact that I'm writing a young adult novel.I suppose I thought those around me would think I'm childish if I'm writing for young adults. I'm not entirely sure what I was afraid of with that one. I mean, who truly wants to forget what those days were like when you first fell in love? I know I don't.

But here's the kicker, I've recently learned that my friends and family are extremely supportive. They've read what I'm writing and they encourage it. They ask me questions that get me thinking about the tiny little things in the novel that can really turn out to be important big things. My husband will actually brainstorm with me and help me tie pieces together in ways I hadn't even thought of. It's remarkable how relieving it is to have people know what I'm doing and to actually want to see more. It's so wonderful to know that I was wrong about what people would think about what genre I'm writing.

It seems like I'm always blogging about the lessons I'm learning while writing. I won't complain about that, though. It's these lessons that are keeping me on track. It's these silly little things that happen in my life that inspire me to keep writing in the first place.

With whatever your goals are for writing or even just life, I wish you the same support and encouragement that I've received. It's amazing the difference it can make. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday - The Elevator Pitch

Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ from YA Highway where each week there is a writing- or reading-related question for us to answer. Check out YA Highway to follow along with everyone who participates. :-)
This Week's Topic:

You're re-reading one of your faves when someone asks the dreaded question: "What's that book about?" Give us your best off-the-cuff blurb of any book, any genre, and have your readers try to guess the title in the comments!

 My Pitch:

Love is forbidden. In fact, it's a disease. The main character in this book will stop at nothing to be cured. That is, until she finds out her best friend has a huge secret she's been keeping from her and then the unthinkable happens: she falls in love. 

Any ideas? 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday - Plotting v. Pantsing

Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ from YA Highway where each week there is a writing- or reading-related question for us to answer. Check out YA Highway to follow along with everyone who participates. :-)
This Week's Topic:
Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Do you like to make a detailed plan before you start a project? Or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants and make it up as you go along?

I am a little of both. I have a general plan or idea for the project and I may even have some notes written up on what I can expect to happen or certain tidbits of info on my characters, but the rest is pretty much flying by the seat of my pants. I think I definitely lean more towards being a pantser and I'm okay with that.

How about you?