Friday, January 6, 2012

What's in a word?

It's that time of year when almost everyone is making resolutions for the new year. I even made a post of my goals for 2012 last week on the Tangled blog.

Then this past Tuesday I read a truly inspiring post over at fellow YA author Katy Upperman's blog. Katy had read a post on Erin Bowman's blog that referenced yet another author, Jessica Corra. Jessica has for several years now decided against resolutions and instead chooses a Word of the Year. Jessica actually got the idea from another person, but you get the gist. Good ideas travel.

After reading Katy's post, I was hooked. The idea of choosing one word to represent what you want and what you will aim for in the year just makes sense. It didn't take long for my own word to surface. It too just makes sense.


It's from the quote that has propelled me to begin and keep writing:

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

These words are my laptop background. They stare at me from a magnet on my refrigerator. The word "believe" is something I've been telling myself to do for years.

So that's what I'm going to do. In 2012, I'm going to BELIEVE.

If you already choose one word of the year for yourself, I'd love to hear what it is. And if you're new to this idea like I was, I'd love to hear your thoughts and if you decide to participate.


  1. Love this, Cindy! I think there's something to be said for the power of positive thinking, and that makes BELIEVE a perfect word for 2012. Yay! I'm so glad you posted this! :)

  2. GREAT post, Cindy! I have several resolutions in different categories: family, as a couple with my husband, and personal. I love this idea of choosing a word! I, too, have the word "believe" several places around my home and as aspiring YA writers it's SO appropriate and important. Happy 2012!

  3. Thanks again for posting it on your own blog, Katy! It has really inspired me. :-)

    Tonya, I'm so glad you enjoyed it and totally agree. It's the perfect word, isn't it???
